HEAVENLY DOG & OTHER PET SIGNS is a safe haven to share stories about your beloved pet/fur baby/companion dogs and other pet species who have crossed over to the heavenly rainbow bridge and about any signs you may have received from them. Please only post photos of your pets when they were with the living. If anyone has friends or family members who have lost a dog or other pet and are still grieving, please send them the link to this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/792454924693904 if you think it might help. Thank you and Bless
“Angel” Pet Portraits are available upon special request
March 8th, 2021

“Ginny Pie Angel”, Photo Composite courtesy of Tim O’Connell, of my beloved Ginny who passed 8 years ago.
© Copyright 2022 The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. All rights reserved.
The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Email: TheArtOfAnnAria@yahoo.com
This site represents the original artwork, photography, music and writings of Canadian Wildlife Artist, Wildlife Photographer, Musician and Writer Ann Aria Burstyn and is protected by Canadian and International copyright laws. Wildlife Artists, Wildlife Photographers, Writers and Musicians within Canada legally own and reserve all rights to their intellectual property, which is registered with the Canadian Copyright Office and is protected by Canadian and International Copyright Laws. This means it is illegal to print, electronically copy any content from this website, social media and or any printed materials without prior written permission from The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Failure to get permission is in violation of Canadian and International copyright laws.