Exclusive Fine Wildlife Photography Prints, Art and Music For Sale–Proceeds go towards Wild Animal Rescues, Domestic Animal Foster Programs and Nature & Wildlife Conservancies
My goal is to work together with you in helping the ones that need us the most; the ones without voices for which we must speak up for; nature and wildlife. My aim is to ensure that our natural environment and its vulnerable wildlife thrives. Especially since we humans are encroaching upon the natural habitats, more and more everyday…
I channel the divine I encounter in Nature and Wildlife through photography, art, music and writing. These moments in time move me and drive me- emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I in turn share these experiences with you in the hopes that you too will see the true divinity of Nature and why there is a need to protect it. For more information about this mission please visit this tab:

Ann “Aria” Burstyn, CCC (Canadian Content Corner) and Canadian Content Conversations Series for the Lazie Indie Magazine, Singer for Dream Aria, Mother, Photographer, Artist, Advocate for Human Health and Wellness, Lover of and Advocate for Animal/Nature Health and Wellness, Seeker and Sharer of Truth and Beauty in all things Spiritual and The Divine by way of Art, Music and Nature with a mission to encourage, inspire and uplift others along their journey in life…
Thank you for visiting the official Ann “Aria” Burstyn site. There are 12 TABS of Content which contain various aspects of my current endeavors. If you are using a cell phone, please click the top upper left hand ‘white horizontal bars’, to view the tabs.
Those who know me are aware of my great love of animals, art, dance, music, nature, singing and writing. I knew at the age of four that I had to have a career in the arts. One of my most favorite past-times has always been to listen to a broad range of music genres and to sing and dance along to them as ways to physically, mentally and emotionally express myself. I began Classical Ballet and Jazz/Modern dancing at age 6. By the time I was 9, I aspired to be a professional singer. Animals have also continuously played an integral role in my life. My family always had cats and dogs in the home. I learned there is a special kind of love and bond between humans and animals and have been hooked ever since. I cannot imagine a home without an animal in it now. I have worked with dogs full time including having taken courses in animal behavior and natural health. I also do fostering and rescue and act as an animal rights advocate. For updates on this venture please visit this tab: https://www.annburstyn.com/animal-rights-rescue/
I have been in Toronto based bands and have performed in several operas and operettas since 1996. I have also written and recorded vocals and lyrics for other people’s songs and radio jingles since 1999. I teach vocal lessons as well. For more information on lessons, please visit this link: https://www.annburstyn.com/vocal-coaching/
My current main musical focus, for the last nearly 20 years, is my band DREAM ARIA https://www.annburstyn.com/dream-aria/. Our fifth cd “Out of the Void” is our newest release. A sampling of songs can be heard on the Dream Aria Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Anndreamaria. There is always up to date news about the band at this link. More songs can be heard on Reverbnation at: https://www.reverbnation.com/dreamaria/songs
Select music videos for DREAM ARIA can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0NOhYNY5T0RA2G72m-KUTw
I am open to and available for collaboration with other musicians at this time. I do need to keep my chops up and love a good challenge so please do reach out if you would like to try something new or if you are in need of help with lyrics, or vocals for your projects!
I have been writing poetry, short stories, lyrics, music reviews and music columns as a hobby and professionally since 1985. Currently I am a freelance writer working with the Lazie Indie Magazine, featuring my “Canadian Content Corner” column which highlights iconic and up and coming Canadian artists of every genre. One of the articles is a full magazine feature on the Canadian legendary band Streetheart. Here is a link to it: https://madmagz.com/magazine/1819813#/
The magazine has tied in our “Canadian Content Conversation Corner” to the Zoom Interviews I have had with various Canadian musicians, most notably and recently with Darby Mills, formerly of the Headpins and currently of The Darby Mills Project. The interview can be seen here: https://youtu.be/DiZbTRRl6qg
A link to the full magazine feature I wrote about her is here: https://madmagz.com/magazine/1847801?fbclid=IwAR32A2g7EdQRLaoiY6TXzZnjskaOMqBimcGcj9SYQSs2_HZziQ2EgLIuG5I#/
Also, we released a Full Magazine Feature on the late, great, Neil Peart of RUSH that can be viewed at this link! It is a must read for any Neil and RUSH fans, if I do say so myself! You will not be disappointed. There are some little known facts about Neil, a link to a live Zoom Interview I did with the lovely Donna Halper, a comprehensive history on Neil and RUSH and also some out of this world original artwork highlighting the incredibly talented, and highly regarded Scottish artist Charlie Roy. https://simplebooklet.com/lazieindiemagazinespecialeditionneilpeart1?fbclid=IwAR2S0myB-fmCiR8Tw4gqk4I-_YZqgrcpTImc7oQ033W-wLfpzToX1htOUjQ#page=1

If any Canadian artists of any genre would like to be featured, or if you know of anyone who should be, please reach out to me in the comment section and I will reply to you as soon as possible!
As another creative outlet and form of expression, I have been delving into my long-time passion, Photography and Photo Art. I specialize in Wildlife, Landscape, Abstract, Experimental, Sunrises/Sunsets, Moon Rises/Moon Sets and as a beginner in Astrophotography ( which I am avidly learning). To view some samples visit these links: https://www.annburstyn.com/ann-aria-art-photography/
I also draw and paint and will add some art pieces here soon. My main mediums of choice are soft and oil pastels, pastel pencils, pencils, black charcoal, gel pens, and at times acrylics. My drawings are not thought out ahead of time but flow in the moment. I prefer to just let the creative ether release onto paper and see what transpires. Usually the images depict the beauty, emotion and energy of wildlife, the divine and spirituality. I also enjoy combining my photographs with my art to create ethereal, surreal, thought provoking images. Recently I have been having some fun with Double Exposures and Photo Compositions. Here is an example of one such piece called “Day & Night”. It is a combination of a gorgeous misty, cool, Fall sunrise, Mars, the Moon, Comet Neowise, Jupiter and its Moons and some Stars. As you can tell, I do love to ‘look up’ to marvel at and capture the wonders of our skies and universe as well as all things Mother Nature! If you have any photography needs, again, please reach out in the comments and I shall get back to you.

I am also a Freelance Website and Graphic Designer, specializing in web sites and posters for Photographers, Artists and Musicians, so if you are interested in trying something creative for your web and art designs, please do get in touch.
Various types of merchandise will be added to this site for Dream Aria products and for also Art Prints and more at the “Shoppe” tab: https://www.annburstyn.com/shoppe/
HEAVENLY DOG & OTHER PET SIGNS is a safe haven to share stories about your beloved pet/fur baby/companion dogs or other pet species who have crossed over to the heavenly rainbow bridge and about any signs you may have received from them. Please only post photos of your pets when they were with the living. If anyone has friends or family members who have lost a pet and are still grieving, please send them this link: https://www.annburstyn.com/heavenly-dog-signs/ or to this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/792454924693904 if you think it might help. Thank you and Bless
“Angel” Pet Portraits are available upon special request.

Please stay tuned and thank you kindly for stopping by and reading this far. Feel free to reach out via email or comments for any inquiries. I am looking forward to hearing from you and interacting more very soon. Stay safe and well and my best regards to you all today and everyday. Cheers and Bless…
~Ann “Aria” Burstyn~ <3
© Copyright 2022 The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. All rights reserved.
The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Email: TheArtOfAnnAria@yahoo.com
This site represents the original artwork, photography, music and writings of Canadian Wildlife Artist, Wildlife Photographer, Musician and Writer Ann Aria Burstyn and is protected by Canadian and International copyright laws. Wildlife Artists, Wildlife Photographers, Writers and Musicians within Canada legally own and reserve all rights to their intellectual property, which is registered with the Canadian Copyright Office and is protected by Canadian and International Copyright Laws. This means it is illegal to print, electronically copy any content from this website, social media and or any printed materials without prior written permission from The Art of Ann Aria Burstyn Inc. Failure to get permission is in violation of Canadian and International copyright laws.
Ann “Aria ” Burstyn . Is an awesome singer songwriter and guitar player. If anyone is looking for an awesome musician. Ann “Aria” Burstyn is awesome.
Thank you very much! Haven’t played much guitar in quite some time though, haha. All singing, writing, photography and art these days! Cheers 🙂
I can’t believe someone of your talent is a local artist…
You are a spectacular performer, artist, designer…
It is of popular opinion that you are destined for greatness!!!!
Wow, thank you kindly! Cheers to YOU! 🙂
I would recommend Ann to anyone seeking to hone and improve thier vocal skills. She has a warmth of character that makes one feel comfortable and at ease. Her experience as a vocalist and years of working with her band Dream Aria showcase her flexibility and talents, and her wonderful creativity speaks ( and sings) for itself.
Wow, thank you for your thoughtful and insightful thoughts! Cheers 🙂
Your article on Darby Mills was so insightful and entertaining! Not just a “blast from the past.“ She sounds alive and well, and it was just a really nice friendly read of your conversation. I can imagine the same vibe with other talent that you interview going forward! Wishing you all the best with it!
Yes, Darby is wonderful and going strong! Thank you kindly. I hope to continue to do these great artists some justice! Cheers 🙂
I have been a friend of Ann and a fan of Dream Aria for sixteen years. Ann is a unique talent in her field of music and photography. I believe her unique and raw talent is the manifestation of her beautiful soul. Ann is a selfless person who will go the extra mile to help anyone she can in a professional and friendly manner.
Thank you Layla for your heartfelt words. <3
Only a few people really have it in them to excel in what ever they do… Ann is one of them. Be it as a vocalist at Dream Aria, or as a photographer or as a contributor at Lazie Indie Magazine, Ann demonstrates talent, quality and commitment in all that she does. As they say, for some people quality is a habit. Ann is an example of that.
Thank you so much Jay for your kind words. Cheers 🙂
Ann is insanely talented, as well as a true original and very, very supportive.
I can’t say enough about her.
She’ll definitely bring out the BEST in you.
James, thank you kindly. Cheers!
Ann (Aria) Burstyn is very gifted.. a fabulous singer with a great band, called Dream Aria… we love her lyrics and music… we are friends and she is a very compassionate person and a loyal one, at that… the more she creates and produce her CDs/DVDs, the more ppl. will love her work, just like I and my husband, Bob, do… Rock On, Dream Aria.
Thank you very much Patty and Bob! Cheers 🙂
I have known Ann for 14 years. In that time, I have come to know that she is as talented in every creative way imaginable, as she is beautiful. She is an amazing soul that has been just as amazing a friend. This page represents the amalgamation of creative energy that simply pours out of her, and to this day I still wonder why she is not a star in every way possible. Love and Light beautiful Ann, may your talents grace others and allow them to realize their potential through your amazing gifts.
Thank you Jason for your kind words. Cheers 🙂
Dear Ann, HI girl? How are you doing? I love your website and you’re such an amazing person. Hi Dream Aria, I love you!
You’re such an inspiration to me, I appreciate your abilities. Your music sticks to my thoughts, and I love your voice and music a lot.
Thank you for being born, you’re a true Angel at heart. You always treat me like a human and I appreciate your kind words.
You have the best vibes and energies ever and you makes me want to shine like a star, and I promise I will make a lot of new hit music with me singing, that’s the type of influence you have on me to make me want to enhance my musical talents and singing abilities.
You are the Queen of Angels, may God bless your precious heart. May God bless your entire family and those who you love dearly.
I appreciate the strength, and charisma that you have, your vocal range is superior, I admire your characteristics. You’re blessed and I just can’t stop loving you and your band.
Your band is one of the hottest in this world. I’m just so very impressed with the drummer, guitar player, and the entire crew. I appreciate your professionalism.
It would be nice seeing you come out with a new angel video and song. Take care and keep on shining my dear friend, keep on sparkling Dear Angel.
Corey, thank you so much for your kind words, friendship and support all these years. I wish you the best in your musical efforts! Cheers 🙂
So much talent in one soul, willing to share it with the world!
Check out Dream Aria!
You won’t be disappointed!
Thank you very kindly Eric! Cheers 🙂
Just got done looking at your new website, and I’m loving it from what I’ve read and saw!! You have put a lot of hard work and alot of time to build it!! I’m so very proud of you Ann, and I’m looking forward to more content down the road!! Congratulations!! ❤
Thanks so much Michel! Cheers 🙂
Ann, is easily one of the most creative people I’ve ever met, and she not only recognizes beauty around her, but she also captures it and then reflects it back to the rest of us in her photos, her words, and her music. I’m very happy that she and I are friends, and I am always impressed with how professional and determined she is in all of her crafts.
Thank you so much! Cheers 🙂